Social Media is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to business. It’s also led to a lot of disasters that have damaged businesses who made misguided attempts at it.
If you’re in the wedding industry then your client base is already strongly, avidly and passionately involved in social media from pinning their dream ceremonies to watching DIY Youtube videos. The temptation for you is obviously to jump in with both feet. Before you do that, whatever you do, make sure that you’re not sabotaging your business with these very common social media mistakes.
Try to do too much too fast
Social media is exciting. It’s an opportunity to communicate with Millions of people with the same interests as you. What you’ll find quickly though is that effective social media takes work, time and patience.
All too often I get approached at Junction by business people who spent a few months eagerly tweeting, posting and pinning only to find that they’d abandoned all of their accounts and all o that effort had gone for nothing.
Focus on one thing and get it right. An amazing Facebook Page that has a huge amount of engagement will provide much better benefits to your business than 6 different platforms that each get updates once per week (or worse).
If that sounds like you, don’t worry; you’re in the majority. Instead of worrying about all of the places that you’re not posting, focus on the one that you’re best at and enjoy the most. That’s the one where you have the highest chance of success.
Develop a plan of attack that has your business objectives as the ultimate goal and stick with it. Once you’ve mastered that one platform, then you’ll have a loyal fan base that will follow you to the next network.