3 Social Media Mistakes that You’ve Probably Made

Social Media is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to business. It’s also led to a lot of disasters that have damaged businesses who made misguided attempts at it.

If you’re in the wedding industry then your client base is already strongly, avidly and passionately involved in social media from pinning their dream ceremonies to watching DIY Youtube videos. The temptation for you is obviously to jump in with both feet. Before you do that, whatever you do, make sure that you’re not sabotaging your business with these very common social media mistakes.

  1. Try to do too much too fast

    Social media is exciting. It’s an opportunity to communicate with Millions of people with the same interests as you. What you’ll find quickly though is that effective social media takes work, time and patience.

    All too often I get approached at Junction by business people who spent a few months eagerly tweeting, posting and pinning only to find that they’d abandoned all of their accounts and all o that effort had gone for nothing.

    Focus on one thing and get it right. An amazing Facebook Page that has a huge amount of engagement will provide much better benefits to your business than 6 different platforms that each get updates once per week (or worse).

    If that sounds like you, don’t worry; you’re in the majority. Instead of worrying about all of the places that you’re not posting, focus on the one that you’re best at and enjoy the most. That’s the one where you have the highest chance of success.

    Develop a plan of attack that has your business objectives as the ultimate goal and stick with it. Once you’ve mastered that one platform, then you’ll have a loyal fan base that will follow you to the next network.

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Wedding Trends : “Cheap Wedding” Searches

By The Numbers: Brides are Looking for DEALS

Duh.. you ‘ve probably noticed this yourselves, already. But we thought to try and crunch the proverbial numbers, get some “hard data”, instead of just “the word on the street”. So we went through the logs from

  • ~1,000,000 visits by brides over 17 months
  • removed any “outside” influences, bots, software etc
  • kept only “organic”, manual searched from inside our website, by human beings
  • plotted them through time, from January 2011 until May 2012

And the Survey Says… Bargain Hunters are on the Rise!

Steadily, over the past 15 months, the percentage of brides who are explicitely searching for “cheap” & “DIY” wedding solutions has risen : from 6% to a very solid 10%.

Wedding Trends in Canada : Cheap & DIY

More Brides searching for "cheap" & "DIY" wedding advice every month..

So… Adapt!

  • Make sure you have an “entry level” package available. Get that appointment, talk to the girls face-to-face, go for the upsell.
  • Offer a deal. It’s easy: just post your deal from “My Listings“.
  • If you are already offering an attractive price-point, make sure these brides can find you: reword your listing’s description to include the words “affordable”, “DIY”, even “cheap” (yes, I know, cheap is anathema!). To say the least, when they search for it, they will find your business quicker.
  • Manage your advertising budgets. Low margins means you don’t have room for chancy spending. So go for efficiency. But do not reduce your marketing reach! Budget-minded brides means that they do more research than ever. If they don’t find you, in multiple places, your message will be lost in the noise..
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5 Best Social Media Marriage Proposals

As businesses on social media, we are always in search of content to share that will get our followers excited and look to us as the source of wedding inspiration. In our experience at Junction, the content that consistently has the most viral potential has a three common elements:

  • It’s not directly selling anything
    That doesn’t mean that a business can’t be involved – Lanvin, Elle Magazine and

    lululemon have all released successful viral videos that referenced their brands but never felt to the viewers like they were being sold.

  • It’s fun, funny or emotional
    People share things that make them feel something, and in order to achieve viral status, videos need to be shared a lot.
  • It’s the right length
    A lot of marketers have tried to define what the correct length of a viral video is, but what we’ve found is that the ideal running time depends on the message and the market. Arguably the most successful viral video of all time, Kony 2012, was over 20 minutes and got millions of views. Conversely, Sneezing Panda is only 17 seconds long and has nearly 150 million views.

People Love Marriage Proposal Videos

The surest way to get thousands of views is to show a unsuspecting young woman getting swept up by a flash mob that leads her to her kneeling prince who asks for her hand.

We haven’t yet seen a business harness the massive power of marriage proposals; the first one to do it could well be you.

Whether it’s just content for you to share with your followers, or inspiration for a viral video of your own, the following are the 5 best marriage proposal viral videos of all time:

Isaac’s Live Lip-Dub Proposal

Matt & Ginny – Making the Movies Jealous

Crazy Marriage Proposal – Guy Falls Off Building

Orchestrated Wedding Proposal in Madison Park

…and finally, one for us social media geeks:

Internet Meme Proposal

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How to Reach 1,000 Brides for $300

OK, so Bragging is  Unbecoming.. but..

.. I was just helping one of our members with their reporting and the numbers just struck me. So I just have to share them with you, just in case you are still an unbeliever..

Real Wedding Vendor Case-Study

We have obviously blanked out the name, but these are actual screen-captures from “My Reports” for one of our Vancouver members. All you really need to know is that

  • They are listed on page #1 of the directory (for a full year)
  • They are running a standard ad campaign, with both banners and those clever little text-ads (since January).

Traffic from the Directories

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