Don’t Forget: QR Codes for your Print Ads

QR Code : Wedding magazine ad

The easy way for a "smart", trackable magazine ad..

Are you running print ads this season? Do not forget your Bridal Network QR Codes! Make sure you have given your code to your graphic designer, to incorporate into the creative you are submitting to the magazine/publication &tc..

  1. The QR Code will track the performance of your ad; Bridal Network is logging how many times the ad is scanned and will report this to you.
  2. The QR Code will allow you to publish deals/specials/updates later, after your ad has gone to print and into the brides’ hands.
  3. The QR Code will make your ad “look smarter”! Seriously :-) An ad with a QR Tag, like those smart-chips on credit-cards, makes it clear that your business is current, modern, organised, sophisticated, up-to-date..

Confused? Read our QR Tags 101 article..

Still don’t have your tag? Just grab it from My Listings; you can even get the system to email it to you..

(*) The QR Code only works for active Network Members! Otherwise it simply says “Vendor Unavailable


About niko

Nicholas ("everyone calls me 'Niko'" ) Lourotos is an original founder and the managing partner of Bridal Network Inc. (2001) He launched the first online wedding directory in Canada in 1995 (remember? when we still used modems!) and has happily remained in this space ever since. These days, he prefers to be called the "Network Manager". A suitably vague job description which allows him to float a lot, talk to people a lot, go to lunch a lot, brainstorm a lot and blog a lot - and generally oversee the network and try to keep his finger on the pulse of the industry.
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One Response to Don’t Forget: QR Codes for your Print Ads

  1. Pingback: QR Tags for Smart, Interactive Print Advertising | Bridal Network :: Blog : Wedding News & Knowledge

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