A great list I found, on CBC News from all places! The most commonly-used passwords on the Internet. Simple, predictable, not-secure! Please, avoid using them..
The list is a bit skewed towards U.S. users I think – in Canada instead of “baseball” and “football“, most people would probably use “hockey“!
But I ‘ll tell you I have most certainly seen a few of those repeatedly, in your Bridal Network accounts! Some even more obvious ones too, for a bridal account password - no more hints, you know who you are!
Just try to use alphanumeric passwords, including some caps, okay?
Ex. MyPa55word or Il0ve5ecurity or whatever..
The Avoid List
- password
- 123456
- 12345678
- qwerty
- abc123
- monkey
- 1234567
- letmein
- trustno1
- dragon
- baseball
- 111111
- iloveyou
- master
- sunshine
- ashley
- bailey
- passw0rd
- shadow
- 123123
- 654321
- superman
- qazwsx
- michael
- football
About niko
Nicholas ("everyone calls me 'Niko'" ) Lourotos is an original founder and the managing partner of Bridal Network Inc. (2001) He launched the first online wedding directory in Canada in 1995 (remember? when we still used modems!) and has happily remained in this space ever since.
These days, he prefers to be called the "Network Manager". A suitably vague job description which allows him to float a lot, talk to people a lot, go to lunch a lot, brainstorm a lot and blog a lot - and generally oversee the network and try to keep his finger on the pulse of the industry.